The scallops were best ordered as an add on side, which won't be found in the menu but were offered at '$16' and an add on of lobster tail was '$75' but we were supremely confused if this was Australian lobster tail only or main lobster claws included, please do not ask and confuse or overwhelm your server with these useless small questions especially after wondering what type of oysters were available. It was not my birthday, we were asked if we were celebrating anything and the answer of graduation was upon deaf ears. Especially for the price point and food quality. 630 Park Steakhouse Owned by the casino, this posh place evokes the high style of Las Vegas, featuring a backlit bar in the front room and a wall of fire in the back. Id rather spend my money and my time at the Daily Grill when inside the casino. No port menu and you will not be happy to find in the heart of wine country the wine service is poor to lacking. Was not a seasoned service industry type place, large portions especially for an ala carte type menu however not best for sharing. The ambiance is nice, because there are beautiful chandeliers and a fire place, the service must entierly depend on your assigned server.